Daily Archives: May 29, 2012


See on Scoop.itMobile Social Work

While most of us use our iPads for browsing the web, watching YouTube videos, or playing Words With Friends, others actually put Apple’s popular tablet to good use. Cambridge Cognition, a U.K.-based company that delivers the world’s leading cognitive tests, has developed an app called CANTABmobile which helps doctors detect dementia in its earliest stages, when treatment is most beneficial.

CANTABmobile provides an easy to use memory test that assesses a patient’s short-term memory using a series of challenges, such as remembering a series of symbols. It takes less then ten minutes, and once the process is complete, the app delivers instant results with suggestions on how doctors should proceed with their diagnosis.

It’s that early detection that’s so important, because it allows doctors to begin treatment straight away, and means patients are more likely to be able to continue working and living…

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The idea of society being dementia friendly, in the same way it accommodates others with disabilities, for example the sight impaired or people in wheelchairs, is something to aspire to. In a report Creating Dementia Friendly Physical & Social Environments: A new resource for residential & respite care facilities funded by the Victorian government it says a dementia friendly environment is one that is …a cohesive system of support that recognises the experiences of the person with dementia and best provides assistance for the person to remain engaged in everyday life in a meaningful way. This and hundreds of other articles and reports talk the talk of person centred care, and of quality care that encompasses the person as a whole human being, but from what I see it does not equate to the real experience of those of us living with dementia, not in the residential setting or in the…

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Living: the ultimate team sport

Thank you “Let’s Talk About Family” fellow-blogger for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  That’s the kind of feedback I like!  More importantly, everyone should check out her Blog because her insights into the ups, and downs, of caring for parents is very insightful and well worth following.

I have been so blessed by the input I receive from the many Blogs that I follow.  I’m going to use this opportunity to make some nominations as well! (I could list many, many more, but to begin with at least, I’ll list just a few that always stand out to me.)  First of all the steps that the nominees need to take to award others who are worthy of singling out:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you for an award;
  2. Copy & paste the award logos in your blog, as well as in the sections devoted to your nominations, below;

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